UltraHost.US Backup Storage

UltraHost.US EXTERNAL STORAGE service is a secure, highly customizable online data storage, access, backup/restore, and data sharing solution for consumers and businesses with several possible interfaces and options to backup, retrieve, and manipulate your data on the web. The service supports connectivity from most operating systems--including Windows, Linux, Mac, and Unix. Our data center provides you with a secure location for storing your most important files--where you can have access to them anywhere, anytime, using any operating system!


  • 24/7 ACCESS - Always available access to upload/download to your account at any time of the day. Immediate access to recover data in the event a mishap occurs.
  • UNMETERED INCOMING BANDWIDTH - No limit to the amount of data that you can send for storage to your account. Generous outgoing bandwidth allocations permitting multiple downloads per month of the full amount of your storage space.
  • RAID - Virtual Storage accounts are based on RAID5 (Redundant Array) reliability, to protect against hard drive failure, to maintain the highest possible service availability and data protection.


  • FTP - Compatible with most FTP clients (CuteFTP, WS-FTP, etc.) providing a powerful and flexible system to transfer files. Interfaces with CPanel, and other software, to accept incoming backup connection processes.
  • RSYNC - Synchronizing only your files that have changed since the last backup was performed. This efficient backup method saves time, resources, bandwidth, and storage space.
  • SAMBA - Map/mount your external storage account as a local drive/directory on your computer. Drag-n-drop, open, edit, and save files directly from your workstation (E:\ drive), or serve files directly to your Linux server (/mount). Secure VPN connection required for external connecting clients.
  • VPN - Connect securely via VPN client to encrypt data transmission to your external storage account. Authenticates and allows secure, encrypted access to our backup network.

Bacup Storage Packages

Storage: 10 GB
Inbound Bandwidth: Unmetered
Outbound Bandwidth: 50 GB
Storage: 25 GB
Inbound Bandwidth: Unmetered
Outbound Bandwidth: 100 GB
Storage: 50 GB
Inbound Bandwidth: Unmetered
Outbound Bandwidth: 200 GB
Storage: 100 GB
Inbound Bandwidth: Unmetered
Outbound Bandwidth: 300 GB

To order any of these packages, click here.